Reno’s Continue

We spent the weekend mysteriously without kitchen lights. It was okay because it’s midsummer and the light doesn’t leave until late.

The bathroom floor has been replaced (and the piers and joists) and now the boys are framing in the closet, formerly known as The Alcove. This will mean less light in the kitchen but I’m willing to sacrifice in order to have a closet in my bedroom. Seriously, we didn’t have one before.

I’m going to miss the old lathes in the walls. In fact, I wish I could find some old fashioned lathe men to come and redo the walls the way they were with plaster, which will hold a nail and not with drywall, which will barely hold itself. Things don’t work out that way unfortunately, mainly because we can’t afford for them to and so drywall it is.

What are we doing to ‘green’ our reno? Reusing the toilet and sink and fixtures. Reusing the light fixtures. When the boys tore out my grandmother’s old cedar closet from the bathroom, they saved most of the wood and Travis made a sweet trunk out of it. I’m cruising Craig’s list for used bath tubs and shower stalls but finding used items that fit our exact specs is proving difficult, so we will probably end up buying new. The biggest thing we’re doing is making sure to take care of every problem spot we run into so that the house can be around for the next 4 generations of our family to live in.

About Bettina Colonna Essert

Illuminated Magdalene High Priestess and facilitator of empowerment and healing circles for girls and women, including a monthly Red Tent Temple. BA in English, minor in anthropology. Waldorf homeschool mom. Reiki master, cranial sacral therapist, herbalist, menstruvist, feminist, epicurian.
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